Ever find something that you love doing so much that any significant absence from said activity leaves a noticeable effect on your mood? I'm willing to admit it could simply be my own insanity but I miss volunteering when I don't have a chance to help out at least once a week. Either because of a hectic schedule or lack of volunteer events. I'd hoped to help out at the station last night during their four hour live broadcast of the election but a PPA meeting and lack of a sitter had me tied to my phone and at home. Bummer! So I'll blog.
Why do I love volunteering at Channel 9 so much? If you haven't picked up on this fact yet, let me just tell you again, I ADORE volunteering! I don't know if it's the kick I get out of helping other people out that need it, or it's the outlet that it supplies for my various talents. (An excuse to explore my photography and writing skills. And an increased desire to improve both). Or, maybe it's the amazing group of people that I've had the opportunity to become friends with. It could even be the exciting, inspiring, humorous, intelligent, and artistic events that I've been able to participate in, while meeting a few incredibly talented performing artists along the way. Actually, I think it simply boils down to the feeling of accomplishment and good will that I get when I give back to the community in a big way. Knowing that when I'm capturing photos at a meet and greet, or dressed as the Cat in the Hat, or giving information to people at a fair, speaking at an orientation, answering phones during a pledge drive, and yes, even blogging, I'm helping support a station I feel proud to be a part of. A local business that wouldn't be alive if it weren't for support from it's members and volunteers. Channel 9 is one of the best examples of the St Louis Community, and it's such a rewarding experience to be a part of it!
Come join me, and my bountiful enthusiasm for this growing station. Progress is the key here, and The Nine Network has it! Their recent re-branding offers so much more for the community, but more on that later. If you are at all interested click on the link and you will find more information on how to become a volunteer. I'll keep you informed of any upcoming events you may want to participate in. The next orientation isn't far off! Can't wait to meet you!
Keep Smiling!
Posts solely concerned with my volunteer work with KETC/CH9. In and out of the Studio, join me for good times, a few laughs and lots of great people!
About Me

- Stephanie Alioto
- The projects and produce of our small family farm. Hard work and habits that go into maintaining two gardens, 7 acres, four harses, three ducks, an average of a dozen chickens, and our family of six; Marmee, Papa, daughters Gabrielle and Stephanie and her two children, Miguel and Anna. We'll share what veggies and herbs we have for sale, artwork available for purchase and the fun projects we are working on.
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