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The projects and produce of our small family farm. Hard work and habits that go into maintaining two gardens, 7 acres, four harses, three ducks, an average of a dozen chickens, and our family of six; Marmee, Papa, daughters Gabrielle and Stephanie and her two children, Miguel and Anna. We'll share what veggies and herbs we have for sale, artwork available for purchase and the fun projects we are working on.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chris Botti Meet and Greet

September 18th, 2009 brought me downtown to the KETC studio to assist at the Chris Botti meet and greet. Now, to be perfectly honest up until a couple weeks prior to this event I had never even heard of Chris Botti. Knowing I would be meeting this fine musician and speaking with many fans I thought it prudent to do a bit of research prior to the meet and greet. What I found amazed me. The few possessions Chris Botti owns he carries in two bags, besides his prized 1939 Martin Committee hand crafted trumpet. He doesn't own a home and spends most of his time on the road. His life long career has included playing with musical greats such as Frank Sinatra and Sting. His recent PBS special featured Yo Yo Ma, Josh Groban, John Mayer, Sting and many others. I couldn't have been more thrilled at being able to meet such an amazing musician. His outgoing personality is insignificant compared to the kind and down to earth nature he expresses. His talent is ranked among the best, yet not one egotistical vain could be detected. He was approachable and enjoyed meeting nearly 200 fans within a half hour. 

I spent most of the evening snapping photos of the members as they met Botti and while they waited in the fabulous Ch 9 studio. A most sincere "Thank You" goes out to the kind gentleman who invited me to join him for the concert. Little did I know when I accepted the invitation that I would be headed to the fourth row aisle seat in the Orchestra pit at the Fox theater. Two hours have never passed so quickly or so pleasantly. I only hope I will be fortunate enough to attend another concert in the future. For the many wonderful Channel 9 members please enjoy the photos, and feel free to copy and print if you can. 

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