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The projects and produce of our small family farm. Hard work and habits that go into maintaining two gardens, 7 acres, four harses, three ducks, an average of a dozen chickens, and our family of six; Marmee, Papa, daughters Gabrielle and Stephanie and her two children, Miguel and Anna. We'll share what veggies and herbs we have for sale, artwork available for purchase and the fun projects we are working on.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

CH 9 Volunteer Orientation Gains Popularity

Last spring a push was made to create a more organized volunteer program at CH 9. Students from the business school at Washington University were asked to develop a program that would track each volunteer, the hours they have contributed and general contact information as well as other helpful information in recruiting previous volunteers for work in and out of the station. While that was being done volunteers were invited in for an informative session with Volunteer Coordinator, Brittany Carter, to discuss the pro's and con's of volunteering and potential changes and improvements that could help the volunteer program at CH 9. Following this meeting a volunteer committee was created, as was very intelligently suggested at the meeting, and a small group of volunteers began to meet semi regularly to discuss further ways to assist the volunteer program and KETC/Ch 9. Including a variety of ways to become more involved in the community. Through the successful discussions between staff and volunteers it was decided that required orientation sessions should be held for volunteers on a regular basis.

In April the first Quarterly Volunteer Orientation was held at the station. Over 30 volunteers attended the meeting that provided an overview of the station, it's mission and purpose, a bit of history, and an overview of upcoming events as well as the various needs that volunteers could fill. With the Belleville Art Fair only a few weeks away it was a great time to recruit the many volunteers needed to help man the KETC booth. For anyone who offered to spend a part of their weekend helping at the fair a small thank you gift was offered. T-shirts, bags, and  mugs were all for the taking. The meeting was a success and many of the volunteers that attended have been seen around the studio in a variety of positions since then. I was given the opportunity to share some of my own experiences with the future volunteers that night. Having been dubbed the volunteer "cheerleader" I was hoping to spread some of my excitement and enthusiasm for volunteering with those attending.

Clayton Art Fair is right around the corner now, and with it arrived the second Volunteer Orientation. (Volunteers are only required to attend once, unless they choose to return). A few changes were made to the presentation this time and I was added to the mix of presenters as well as being asked to welcome everyone and introduce the CEO and President, Jack Galmiche. With my camera in hand, I snapped photos leading up to the start of orientation and after my introduction. Brittany had set up a great power point presentation to take us through the orientation, and as in April, she and Jess covered the core of the information. The guidelines and expectations were up to me to relay to our eager listeners. I snapped a couple photos from up front, earning a few giggles in the process, but maintaining the upbeat tone already set by Brittany and Jessica. The presentation seemed well received and I was thrilled to see so many people turn up! A fellow fabulous volunteer, Angela and her daughter, took my spot as cheerleaders and shared the vast experiences that they have had during their time volunteering. With over 50 future volunteers in attendance, the room was packed and sign-ups for the upcoming events, Clayton Art Fair, Trash or Treasure, and Live Pledge Nights, were all nearly filled, while the refreshments practically disappeared. Again gifts were given to those who signed up for the events. From Cardinals caps to autographed posters from the cast of Wicked, and tickets to some of the hottest shows in St Louis. This time though, names were taken from a bowl to determine who would leave with the more coveted prizes.

Everyone seemed pleased with the evening and left excited about the upcoming opportunities to help out. The next orientation guarantees to be even better as everyone becomes more familiar with the information and presenting it in an entertaining and timely manner. I'm hoping to be a part of the next one as well. Hope to see you there too!


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