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The projects and produce of our small family farm. Hard work and habits that go into maintaining two gardens, 7 acres, four harses, three ducks, an average of a dozen chickens, and our family of six; Marmee, Papa, daughters Gabrielle and Stephanie and her two children, Miguel and Anna. We'll share what veggies and herbs we have for sale, artwork available for purchase and the fun projects we are working on.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Clayton Art Fair

At this point apologies for the delay in posting this would be drastically understated. Unfortunately a busy schedule and stubborn internet service has me scrambling to find time and a place to sit down and write. But the recent visit back down to Clayton for the Big Read reminded me of what a great weekend the Art Fair turned out to be. So enough of my excuses for the lengthy silence and more about the fun weekend the kids and I had.

Friday afternoon couldn't come fast enough. After a long week at work I was literally bouncing in my seat by 2pm on Friday (partly due to my sitting on a yoga/pilates ball at work rather than an office chair). I was leaving early to grab the kids from school so I would make it into Clayton before traffic hit I-40, and hike the uphill mile to the Channel 9 booth all before 4pm. The mile hike is solely due to my own inability to find a good parking spot in down town Clayton and my deep rooted fear of parallel parking.  So, I choose the first available parking garage in the vicinity and then proceed to convince my children that the hike ahead of them really isn't as bad as it seems. Considering it was a Friday afternoon, and cooler weather had set in we were all in pretty high spirits. I couldn't wait to get to the booth and help set up. The kids had the backpack of toys to keep them busy, but spent most of our walk talking about how excited they were to help hand out KETC guides and Channel 9 kids club bookmarks.

Most of the set up was complete by the time we arrived. Jessica LaBozzetta and Matt Heulskamp had arrived early to set our tent, tables and equipment up. Two flat screens, video camera, and recording equipment were added to our set up this year. Nine Voices, the new Channel 9 Website forum for local residents to speak their mind on a variety of topics relevant to the St Louis region, made it's first public appearance! I have to say I was thrilled about the launch of this new web site, and the promotional set up that was provided at the fair. Fair goers had the opportunity to stop by and record a brief 1-3 minute video expressing their views on new ways to increase interest in the arts around St Louis. The camera was focused out of the tent on the passers-by attracting a good deal of attention and allowing the volunteers and employees to elaborate on this fantastic new site. If you're interested in checking it out hop on over to www.ninevoices.org, and have fun viewing the great videos that have already been posted.

The second flat screen was running a promotional video on repeat for Nine on Stage, one of my favorite programs from Channel 9. Being raised in an artistic family may have contributed to that though. Supplementing this video were the three drawings for tickets to upcoming concerts that anyone was welcome to enter. And anyone and everyone did seem to enter. 

The opening of the fair brought in large crowds, despite the jacket weather, cloudy skies and light drizzle that was dragged along with the descending evening darkness. Friday night provided the perfect setting for the videos, dark back drop, and bright reflective glare from the sun was absent. So from 4-8 I enjoyed talking with a variety of PBS supporters, people curious about the video they had suddenly walked through, and answering every kind of question you can imagine to the best of my ability. Clayton Art Fair always attracts some of the most colorful, outgoing, fun people I have ever met, and our central location was a great place to introduce them to, or remind them about Channel 9. I had a chance to meet a few more fellow volunteers as well who came in for the next shift before I left.

Then the "powers that be" decided I had enough experience to be a shift lead during Sunday afternoon for a couple of hours, which means I have the responsibility of "running" the booth with fellow volunteers, no Channel 9 staff in sight. It was fabulous! The weather was perfect, crowds were a little lighter, and I had a fantastic group of volunteers to work with. I got to know Dorothy and Tom Moore a mom and her son who came out to help me during our shift. We had lots of people stop by to enter for our drawings and plenty that were interested in upcoming programming, so our KETC guides went quickly. I was so grateful to see such a great turn out and the interest at our booth. An incredibly successful weekend from where I was standing!

There's a certain feeling of fulfillment derived from being out in the public eye representing an organization I am proud to support. And what a great way to get a better look at our gorgeous and diverse city! I can't wait until next spring and the Belleville Art Fair!

Thanks for tuning in and I'll be back again soon with an inside scoop on the Big Read. I had a great view on that event and it's coming at you from a very different perspective!

See you around the studio!

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